Mountainside Ski & Sports

Ski Swap & Sale

Saturday Oct. 11, 2025 9am to 5pm Sunday Oct. 12, 2025 10am to 5pm

We will begin accepting equipment on Monday Oct. 6th @ 11am. Ski Swap Week Hours: Monday thru Friday: 11am to 7pm Saturday Oct. 11, 9am to 5pm Sunday Oct. 12, 10am to 5pm Great "In Store" savings on all new skis, boards, equipment, accessories and clothing all week long! *Check the Parking Section at the bottom of this page for some important information.*

Seller Information

Item drop off is Monday October 6th through Friday October 10th, during regular store hours: 11am to 7pm. No need to sign up to drop your item off, just stop by the shop anytime during regular business hours, 11am to 7pm. We will have LIMITED ITEM DROP OFF ON THE ACTUAL WEEKEND OF THE EVENT, due to limited resources we highly recommend that you drop off all items for sale prior to the weekend of the event - *ALL UNSOLD ITEMS MUST BE PICKED UP BY 4PM SUNDAY OCTOBER 12TH* - *ALL ITEMS NOT PICKED UP BY 5PM SUNDAY OCTOBER 12TH WILL BE DONATED.*

This year we will be accepting the following items for the event: - SKIS (INCLUDING CROSS COUNTRY) - SKI BOOTS - SKI POLES - SNOWBOARDS - SNOWBOARD BOOTS - CAR RACKS & ROOF TOP BOXES - CLOTHING - OUTERWEAR ONLY - CLOTHING MUST BE NO OLDER THAN 3 YEARS - CLOTHING MUST BE CLEANED AND NOT TORN OR DAMAGED - ONLY SKI & SNOWBOARD BRANDS (NO DEPARTMENT STORE BRANDS) - NO BASE LAYERS, SOCKS, FACE MASKES, ETC. - NO NEXT TO SKIN CLOTHING - NO FLEECE OR MID LAYERS. - HELMETS & GOGGLES - HELMETS MUST BE NO OLDER THAN 3 YEARS - HELMETS MUST BE IN LIKE NEW CONDITION **MS&S and the RMR Patrol reserve the right to not accept any item(s) due to condition or over all volume of items** - All sellers will set the price of their items, our staff and volunteers will be available to help with setting the price. -All sellers will be able to choose a 100% return of the sold items in the form of a store credit at Mountainside Ski & Sports or a check in the amount of 80% of the selling price. - Store Credits can be used the next business day following the event. - There is no need to be present at the event to sell items. - All sellers will be able to see the status of the sale by checking online. - Use the link and follow the instructions to check on swap status - *ALL UNSOLD ITEMS MUST BE PICKED UP BY 4PM SUNDAY OCTOBER 12TH* - *ALL ITEMS NOT PICKED UP BY 4PM SUNDAY OCTOBER 12TH WILL BE DONATED.*

Buyer Information

Sale starts at 9am Saturday Oct. 11th. Shop early for the "Best Finds"!

- Only cash or checks accepted for purchases of used items. - An ATM machine will be on-site. - Great opportunity to find great deals on quality pre-owned items.

Ski Swap Results

You'll receive a Consigner Access Invitation at the E-Mail address you provided Then simply follow the instructins to the right:

1. Follow the instructions in the email to set up your access. 2. Make note of your Consigner ID and write down the crazy temporary password to make things easier, just in case. 3. Click the link to "Go To Login" 4. Change the temporary password to one of your choosing (that also meets the site's requirements) 5. From the Consigner Access site: A. Under "items" you can see the live status of what has sold and what is still available to be sold. B. Under "dashboard" you can see your "consigner balance"; total of your Store Credit or Check amount at that time. a. Note: both Store Credit for Mountainside and Check Balances will show under "consigner balance" b. The "Store Credit" section is not used in our implementation of this software, sorry for any confusion. C. If you need your Consigner Access Invitation resent or password reset, simply call Mountainside at 717-697-2063, they will relay the request to the Ski Swap Admin who will respond ASAP. 6. After the swap ends: A. Store Credits will be available at Mountainside the Monday following the sale. B. Checks will be mailed within 2 weeks of the sale.


Mountainside and the Roundtop Mountain Patrol will have staff helping to guide everyone to approved parking areas.

- Trindle Road in front of the shop no longer allows parking on the shoulder of the road. - There are signs all along Trindle Road saying this. - Hampden Township will be enforcing the no parking signs the weekend of the Ski & Board Swap and Sale. -For everyone's safety please do not park on the shoulder of Trindle Road. - Mountainside has made arrangements for additional parking with several of our wonderful neighbors. -Please use the following additional parking areas: * Mountainside's main parking lot in front of the store * Mountainside's grass lot behind the store * Cumberland Valley Foot and Ankle Specialists * Islamic Center of Pennsylvania